Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Principle of Design - Emphasis

Temperature: 0
Tint: 0
Exposure: +0.10
Contrast: +25
Highlights: -11
Shadows: -36
Whites: -20
Blacks: -43
Clarity: +17
Vibrance: +16
Saturation: +19

This photo meets the principle of design of emphasis because the red color of the recycling bin that is shaped like a Coke bottle is a much brighter color than the surrounding areas. The viewer's attention is drawn to not only the red but also the text within the red, which says "give it back" enclosed in a recycling symbol. The structure in this photo is the railing which allows for contrast between the focal point (recycling bin) and the surrounding area because the dull color of the rails pushes the viewer to see the red color first.

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